We’re The Young, and We’re Alright?


Anybody who knows me too well knows that I have an unhealthy obsession with Al Burian’s Burn Collector (A simple google search should turn up more info on this collection).  Who is Al Burian?  I am not quite sure.  I found out about him after reading the liner notes to Thrice’s The Artist in the Ambulance.  The song was based off of something he wrote.  Burian essentially posed the question of how do Artists and Philosopher types justify what they are doing.  Because unlike Surgeons and EMTs, they usually just create the holes and problems that need to be fixed.   After all, how many times do you see the doctor in the ambulance being treated?

These issues are not insurmountable.  Rather we need to as Burian put it “Try harder now.”  Of course, that blanket phrase means nothing when applied in generalities.  Something tells me though that no matter what, we are still young enough to fix things, to try harder.  Being young is relative, but that does not mean that you can’t be alright.  Just try harder.

People struggle, People overcome.  Letting go of trouble may not always be easy, but that hackneyed idea of the light at the end of the tunnel still rings true.

We are the young.  We are alright.  Now let us try harder.

Have you ever read a more accurate description of Don’t Stop Believin?
